21 weeks: Returning from Ottawa, Circle of Neglect, and the fireplace

 Fitz had a busy week: he went to Ottawa for 5 days with his mom to hang out with his grandparents and returned home to celebrate his dad’s 40th birthday. On the train to and from Canada’s capital city, he attracted much attention from passengers: “He has a perfectly shaped head!” one woman said and “Fitzgerald!? No one in his class will have that name!” said another.

Fitz-21weeks-ottawa-train-montageABOVE: When Fitz takes Via he only travels in Business Class.

Fitz-21weeks-Union-Station_9765ABOVE & BELOW: Carly and Fitz arrive home at Union Station (which is under renovation in the background).



ABOVE & BELOW: Fitz got to hang out with Matt’s friends — Trevor above, and Nick below — during 40th birthday festivities.


Fitz-21weeks-Matt-40thbirthday_9837ABOVE: A mirror-shot on Matt’s 40th birthday (photo is flipped to look normal).

Fitz-21weeks-circleofneglect_9782ABOVE & BELOW: We have introduced a new play toy, affectionately known as the Circle of Neglect. Fitz half-sits/half-stands in a cloth seat and can spin around to play with different spinny-springy-soft things.



Fitz-21weeks-circleofneglect_9792ABOVE: He is a constant drooler now and is often blowing bubbles because of this. He also doesn’t seem to like the sun toy lurking over his shoulder. He has swatted at it and stared it down numerous times.


Fitz-21weeks-fireplace_9813ABOVE & BELOW: Fitz spent time in front of the fireplace with his dad before his dad’s 40th birthday dinner.



BELOW: Fitz delivers his 21 week fireside address to the followers of the People’s Republic of South Triller.

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