February 2015: It’s all about the hair at 17 months

An assortment of photos from Matt’s camera and our iPhones.

Fitz 1 Year Feb 2015 looking up _5483

Fitz 1 Year Feb 2015 pointing _5475

Fitz 1 Year Feb 2015 window pointing _5500

ABOVE & BELOW: Fitz has taken up a new spot in his bedroom: sitting on the desk or shelf to get a view out the back window. Mostly he thinks he sees cars and trucks. Oh, and that hair — look how big it is!?!

Fitz 1 Year Feb 2015 close up hair _5510

Fitz 1 Year Feb 2015 profile big hair _5504

Fitz 1 Year Feb 2015 curls _5469

ABOVE & BELOW: Fitz went to visit his great-grandmother for the afternoon in Barrie.

Fitz 1 Year Feb 2015 Great Grandma _5463

Fitz 1 Year Feb 2015 smiling_5465

Fitz 1 Year Feb 2015 Matt_5472

Fitz 1 Year Feb 2015 pointing _5511

ABOVE: Fitz walking on the sidewalk near our place.

Fitz 1 Year Feb 2015 highchair yelling _1872

ABOVE: An early morning winter breakfast before sunrise doesn’t damper Fitz’s spirit.

Fitz 1 Year Feb 2015 Matt streetcar _1899

ABOVE: Fitz and Matt take the 504 King streetcar into daycare.

Fitz 1 Year Feb 2015 Carly tent _1949

ABOVE: A kids tent, known as a Peapod, has been the best addition to Fitz’s room. He jumps in and out of it with reckless abandon.

Fitz 1 Year Feb 2015 highchair yogurt _2008

ABOVE: Our typical morning: Fitz making a mess, but with a smile.

Fitz 1 Year Feb 2015 Matt_1882

ABOVE: A selfie of Fitz and Matt. Fitz gets really excited when he sees himself on the iPhone screen.

January 2015: On the move in the winter

Fitz 1 Year Jan 2015 Max Carly Kath _1782

ABOVE: Kath and Max with Fitz and Carly at a play date in the East End.

Fitz 1 Year Jan 2015 sleeping _1771

ABOVE: Fitz did a fair bit of travelling this month including a lot of trips in the backseat.

Fitz 1 Year Jan 2015 train to Ottawa_1835

ABOVE & BELOW: Near the end of January Fitz and Carly travelled to Ottawa by train. Fitz liked looking out the window but found it difficult to sleep.

Fitz 1 Year Jan 2015 train to Ottawa sleeping _1836

Fitz 1 Year Jan 2015 Library _1802

ABOVE & BELOW: Fitz ran amok at the High Park Library on Roncesvalles.

Fitz 1 Year Jan 2015 Library _1806

Fitz 1 year Jan 2015 Library _1805

Fitz 1 year Jan 2015 Carly winter_1777

ABOVE: Got a little artsy with this photo using my reflection in the window looking in into the livingroom from the porch. The winter white makes it work.